Stefan T. Ochsenbein, Grégory Chaboussant, Andreas Sieber, Hans U. Güdel, Stefan Janssen, Albert Furrer and J. Paul Attfield
Magnetic cluster excitations in the antiferromagnetic phase of a-MnMoO4
Phys. Rev. B 68, 092410/1-4 (2003)
The tetramer-based compound a-MnMoO4
exhibits four prominent peaks in
the inelastic neutron scattering (INS) spectrum between 0.5
and 2.0 meV below 10 K. They are assigned to magnetic excitations
of the (Mn2+)4 rhombus shaped cluster, with resulting
values of the exchange parameters J = +0.051 meV and
J' = –0.019 meV along the edges and the short diagonal,
respectively. The interactions within the tetramer are treated exactly
in an isotropic quantum mechanical model leading to an S = 10
cluster ground state. The weaker antiferromagnetic (AFM) intercluster
interactions, Jint = –4.5×10–3
meV, are treated in a molecular-field model below the AFM
transition temperature TN = 10.7 K. INS and
susceptibility are in quantitative agreement with this approach.