G. Chaboussant, A. Sieber, S. Ochsenbein, H.-U. Güdel, M. Murrie, A. Honecker, N. Fukushima and B. Normand
Exchange interactions and high-energy spin states in Mn12-acetate
Phys. Rev. B 70, 104422/1-16 (2004)
We perform inelastic neutron scattering measurements on the molecular
nanomagnet Mn12-acetate to measure the excitation spectrum
up to 45 meV (500 K). We isolate magnetic excitations in two groups
at 5–6.5 meV (60–75 K) and 8–10.5 meV (95–120 K), with higher
levels appearing only at 27 meV (310 K) and 31 meV (360 K).
From a detailed characterization of the transition peaks we show that
all of the low-energy modes appear to be separate S = 9
excitations above the S = 10 ground state, with the peak at
27 meV (310 K) corresponding to the first S = 11 excitation. We
consider a general model for the four exchange interaction parameters
of the molecule. The static susceptibility is computed by
high-temperature series expansion and the energy spectrum, matrix
elements, and ground-state spin configuration by exact
diagonalization. The theoretical results are matched with
experimental observation by inclusion of cluster anisotropy parameters,
revealing strong constraints on possible parameter sets. We conclude
that only a model with dominant exchange couplings
J2 5.5 meV (65 K) and small
couplings J3 J4
0.6 meV (7 K)
is consistent with the experimental data.