Roland Bircher, Grégory Chaboussant, Andreas Sieber, Hans U. Güdel and Hannu Mutka
Transverse magnetic anisotropy in Mn12 acetate: Direct determination by inelastic neutron scattering
Phys. Rev. B 70, 212413/1-4 (2004)
A high-resolution inelastic neutron scattering (INS) study of fully
deuterated Mn12 acetate provides accurate spin-Hamiltonian
parameters for this prototype single-molecule magnet. The
Mn12 clusters deviate from axial symmetry, a nonzero rhombic
term in the model Hamiltonian leading to excellent agreement with
observed positions and intensities of the INS peaks. The following
parameter set provides the best agreement with the experimental data:
D = –0.0570(1) meV,
B = –2.78(7)×10–6 meV,
B = –3.2(6)×10–6 meV, and |E| =
6.8(15)×10–4 meV. Crystal dislocations are not the likely
cause of the symmetry lowering. Rather, this study lends strong
support to a recently proposed model, which is based on the presence
of several molecular isomers with distinct spin-Hamiltonian