A. Bessière, P. Dorenbos, C. W. E. van Eijk, K. W. Krämer, H. U. Güdel and A. Galtayries
Scintillation and anomalous emission in elpasolite Cs2LiLuCl6:Ce3+
J. Lumin. 117, 187-198 (2006)
The luminescence and scintillation properties of
Cs2LiLuCl6:0.5%Ce3+ are presented. Special
attention is devoted to a 9.4 ns fast emission at 275 nm that can only be
excited via the highest cubic field 5de state of Ce. Contrary to
Cs3LuCl6 and Cs2LiYCl6, where the
same type of fast emission was observed, the emission in
Cs2LiLuCl6 is still observed at room temperature. Assuming
that the 5de state is located inside the host conduction band (CB),
we propose that the emission originates from a mixed state at or just below the
bottom of the CB and ends at the 4f ground state of Ce3+. To proof
this model we studied the thermal quenching of the anomalous luminescence and
performed X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy. A model for a temperature-activated
energy transfer from the anomalous state to the lowest 5dt excited
state of Ce3+ explains most of the results. Besides the 275 nm
emission, the material shows 5dt–4f Ce3+ emission at 370
and 406 nm and 2 ns fast core-valence luminescence when excited with 16–22 eV
photons. The scintillation properties of Cs2LiLuCl6:Ce are
briefly discussed.