P. Dorenbos, J. C. van't
Spijker, O. W. V. Frijns, C. W. E. van Eijk, K. Krämer, H. U.
Güdel and A. Ellens
Scintillation properties of RbGd2Br7: Ce3+
crystals; fast, efficient, and high density scintillators
Nucl. Instr. Methods Phys. Res. B 132, 728-731 (1997)
The scintillation properties of RbGd2Br7 crystal (r
4.7 g/cm3) doped with Ce3+ concentrations of 1
and 5 mol% studied under X-ray and g-quanta
excitation are presented and compared with the properties of NaI(Tl) and other
scintillators. For a sample doped with 5 mol% Ce, a light yield of about 55000
photons/MeV with a main decay time of 60 ns was measured. With a photomultiplier
tube, an energy resolution of 3.8% (FWHM) for the 662 keV full absorption peak
has been observed.