M. D. Birowosuto, P. Dorenbos, J. T. M. de Haas, C. W. E. van Eijk, K. W. Krämer and H. U. Güdel
Thermal-neutron scintillator: Ce3+ activated Rb2LiYBr6
J. Appl. Phys. 101, 066107/1-3 (2007)
M. D. Birowosuto, P. Dorenbos, C. W. E. van Eijk, K. W. Krämer and H. U. Güdel
Scintillation and luminescence properties of Ce3+ doped ternary cesium rare-earth halides
Phys. Stat. Sol. A 204, 850-860 (2007)
Olivier F. Aebischer, Annina Aebischer, Bertrand Donnio, Bassam Alameddine,
Massoud Dadras, Hans-Ulrich Güdel, Daniel Guillon and Titus A. Jenny
Controlling the lateral aggregation of perfluoroalkylated hexa-peri-hexabenzocoronenes
J. Mater. Chem. 17, 1262-1267 (2007)
H. B. Braun, J. Kulda, B. Roessli, D. Visser, K. W. Krämer, H. U. Güdel and P. Böni
Chiral quantum excitations in the anisotropic antiferromagnet CsCoBr3
J. Magn. Magn. Mater. 310, 1194-1196 (2007)
Oliver Waldmann, Graham Carver, Chris Dobe, Andreas Sieber, Hans U. Güdel and Hannu Mutka
Direct Identification of the Minority and Majority Species in the
Single-Molecule Magnet Mn12-Acetate by Inelastic Neutron Scattering
J. Am. Chem. Soc. 129, 1526-1527 (2007)
Ayuk M. Ako, Oliver Waldmann, Valeriu Mereacre, Frederik Klöwer,
Ian J. Hewitt, Christopher E. Anson, Hans U. Güdel and Annie K. Powell
Odd-Numbered FeIII Complexes: Synthesis, Molecular Structure,
Reactivity, and Magnetic Properties
Inorg. Chem. 46, 756-766 (2007)
J. Grimm, E. Beurer, P. Gerner and H. U. Güdel
Upconversion Between 4f-5d Excited States in Tm2+-Doped
CsCaCl3, CsCaBr3, and CsCaI3
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Kerwyn G. Alley, Roland Bircher, Hans U. Güdel, Boujemaa Moubaraki,
Keith S. Murray, Brendan F. Abrahams and Colette Boskovic
Incorporation of a tripodal ligand with a (N,O,O)-donor set into
a new family of nickel and cobalt spin clusters
Polyhedron 26, 369-377 (2007)
J. Grimm, J. Fleniken, K. W. Krämer, D. Biner, U. Happek and H. U. Güdel
On the determination of photoionization thresholds of Ce3+ doped
Cs3LuCl6, Cs2LiLuCl6 and
Cs2LiYCl6 by thermoluminescence
J. Lumin. 122-123, 325-328 (2007)
D. Schaniel, M. Imlau, T. Weisemoeller, T. Woike, K. W. Krämer and H.-U. Güdel
Photoinduced Nitrosyl Linkage Isomers Uncover a Variety of Unconventional Photorefractive Media
Adv. Mater. 19, 723-726 (2007)
J. Grimm, O. S. Wenger, K. W. Krämer and H. U. Güdel
4f–4f and 4f–5d excited states and luminescence properties of Tm2+- doped
CaF2, CaCl2, SrCl2 and BaCl2
J. Lumin. 126, 590-596 (2007)
O. Waldmann, R. Bircher, G. Carver, A. Sieber, H. U. Güdel and H. Mutka
Exchange-coupling constants, spin density map, and Q dependence of the
inelastic neutron scattering intensity in single-molecule magnets
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Dominik Schaniel, Benoit Cormary, Isabelle Malfant, Lydie Valade, Theo Woike, Bernard Delley,
Karl W. Krämer and Hans-Ueli Güdel
Photogeneration of two metastable NO linkage isomers with high populations of up to 76% in
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M. D. Birowosuto, P. Dorenbos, C. W. E. van Eijk, K. W. Krämer and H. U. Güdel
Thermal quenching of Ce3+ emission in PrX3
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J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 19, 256209/1-16 (2007)
Roland Bircher, Brendan F. Abrahams, Hans U. Güdel and Colette Boskovic
Synthesis, structure and magnetic properties of a novel
Tb4 spin cluster and synthesis of a Tb chain
Polyhedron 26, 3023-3028 (2007)
S. T. Ochsenbein, O. Waldmann, A. Sieber, G. Carver, R. Bircher, H. U. Güdel, R. S. G. Davies,
G. A. Timco, R. E. P. Winpenny, H. Mutka and F. Fernandez-Alonso
Standing spin waves in an antiferromagnetic molecular Cr6 horseshoe
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L. Schnelzer, O. Waldmann, M. Horvatić, S. T. Ochsenbein, S. Krämer, C. Berthier,
H. U. Güdel and B. Pilawa
Huge Transverse Magnetic Polarization in the Field-Induced Phase of the Antiferromagnetic
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Dominik Schaniel, Theo Woike, Bernard Delley, Daniel Biner, Karl W. Krämer and Hans-Ueli Güdel
Generation of one light-induced metastable nitrosyl linkage isomer in
[Pt(NH3)4Cl(NO)]Cl2 in the red spectral range
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 9, 5149-5157 (2007)
Satoshi Koizumi, Masayuki Nihei, Takuya Shiga, Motohiro Nakano, Hiroyuki Nojiri,
Roland Bircher, Oliver Waldmann, Stefan T. Ochsenbein, Hans U. Güdel, Felix Fernandez-Alonso and Hiroki Oshio
A Wheel-Shaped Single-Molecule Magnet of [MnII3MnIII4]:
Quantum Tunneling of Magnetization under Static and Pulse Magnetic Fields
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C. W. E. van Eijk, H. U. Güdel , M. D. Birowosuto, P. Dorenbos and K. W. Krämer
High Light Yield Fast Scintillator
World Intellectual Property Organization,
Int. patent number WO 2007/031583 A1, 22.03.2007
M. Imlau, V. Dieckmann, T. Weisemoeller, D. Schaniel, T. Woike, K. W. Krämer and H.-U. Güdel
Tuning Ability of Photosensitive ML5NO-Molecules
in "Controlling Light with Light: Photorefractive Effects, Photosensitivity, Fiber Gratings, Photonic Materials and More",
OSA Technical Digest (CD), Optical Society of America, Paper SuC5 (2007)
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